Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today, please enjoy the words with which God blessed my dear friend.  Words I so needed today.
Guess Who Rescued Me

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Stepping Into the Jordan River

I'm back!  It is 2:45 a.m.! WHAT!!!!  I've sat here for the past couple of hours doing too much of nothing.  I came across some blogs which I follow and was encouraged by what God is doing in their lives and just as I was about to close the laptop and try to get some rest before I go to work, I felt compelled to share a testimony of God's grace and mercy.

Last fall, I lost my external hard drive for my computer.  It is what I back up my computer on.  Everything was on it.  All my photos, documents, etc.  I was pretty anxious about finding it and looked everywhere!  NOTHING...As silly as it felt, I gave the loss to God.  I even asked some family and a couple of friends at work to pray that I would find it.  After a week or two, I accepted that it may be lost forever, but I was going to leave the loss in HIS hands.  Every now and again, I would get a little crazy and start searching for it but all in all, I left in HIS hands.

For the past seven weeks, I have been attending a Bible study. One In A Million - Journey to the Promised Land by Priscilla Shirer.  It has been life changing.  During the last couple of weeks of the study, our leaders asked us if anyone would be interested in volunteering to lead a summer Bible study or help with our next study in the fall.  If we were interested, we were to fill out a flyer and give it to our table leader.  I took one of the flyers but just wasn't sure if I wanted to do this.  I hesitated and didn't fill out the flyer.  A couple of ladies at our table encouraged me to step out and volunteer.  Hmmmmmmm what should one do when you are "hearing God's voice"?  The next study came along and it was about Joshua crossing the Jordan River. Joshua 3:14-17  When the priests stepped into the tumultuous waters of the Jordan River the water stopped and they walked across on dry land.  Hallelujah!!!!  At the end of the study that night, the flyer was filled out to lead a summer Bible study!  As I handed it to our table leader, I said, "I am stepping into the Jordan River."  A weight was lifted off my shoulders.  I was excited that God would use me.  

The next morning, I was getting ready for work and as I picked up my hair dryer, I noticed that the filter on the end of the dryer was missing.  I couldn't imagine how it had come off, but bent down to look under a shelf for the missing piece.  I could not believe my eyes!  There was my lost external hard drive!  I picked it up and the tears started to flow.  God spoke to my heart that this was a little "gift" for obeying Him by stepping into the Jordan River.  Some might say this was coincidence, some might say I should be better organized, but I know that this was a miracle!  It was a sparkle.  A wonderful gift from my Heavenly Father.  I have had the opportunity to share this story with several and God's blessing just continues to overflow onto all that hear about His goodness.

Just so you know, this wasn't about the external hard drive.  It is all about obedience, grace, mercy and God's love.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Daniel 3:25-28 - God's relationship with our children

I made a decision about a year ago that while I am driving to work, I would not turn on my radio.  I would spend that 20 minutes in prayer.  God (as always) has been faithful and uses that time to speak to me.  I think He is always speaking to me, but that is the time of day I'm listening without interruption. 

Friday morning was one of those times when I "heard" God so clearly that I didn't doubt for a moment that it was Him.  My heart had been aching because of a broken relationship with one of my children.  I had been holding up that relationship to Him, crying out to Him for a healing, allowing my mama's heart to go into the fix it mode. 

I believe mama's hearts were created to love our children in the way God loves them.  To love our children unconditionally and try to "fix" our children's aches and pains.  We want to scoop them up when they are hurting and kiss that scraped knee and make the pain go away.  Because we love our children so much, we quite often get in the way of God's plan and direction for their lives.  We hate seeing them go through the trials, but God allows those trials and aches and pains to help them grow and become teachable. 

Back to traveling to work - As I was crying out to God about this broken relationship with my child, God clearly spoke to me.  He said that this was not about my relationship with my child, but it is everything about my child's relationship with God.  My prayers should be directed for healing for my child's relationship with our Heavenly Father.  It isn't all about me as the mama.  God knows my pain and my heartache, but my child's relationship with God is so much more important.  I have no doubt that God will comfort me and give me strength to go through this bump in the road.  And I have every assurance that one day whether it is on this earth or in my heavenly home, my child will walk toward me with open arms and a full heart of love. 

Luke 15:11-32 tells the story of the prodigal son.  The prodigal son made choices.  He left his home, his father, his family to go his own direction.  After the son got to the bottom of the pit, then he listened and heard God and God brought him home.  And the son's papa welcomed him with open arms and an open heart.  God did a transformation within the son's heart before the son could come home.

God is always with our children and with us.  He takes us through the fire and we come out not even smelling like smoke.  Because He stands with us - forever by our sides.  Daniel 3:25-28

My prayer is that the relationship between our prodigal children and their Heavenly Father is healed.  That they will listen for direction from their Heavenly Father and that they will allow God to heal their hearts, scooping them up and holding them close.

He will never leave us or forsake us.  He is my Hope and my Future for my children, my husband, me, my life, my family, and this world.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Are you dwelling in the past?

Do you ever look backwards to see from where you just came?  When you trip, do you look back to see what caused you to trip?  Are there things in your past that you so desperately want to forget, but the memory still painfully rises up?

When God created us, He didn't create us with the ability to erase what we wanted to erase from our memories and move on.  He gave us the ability to remember.  And sometimes those memories are painful. 

God's word even says to move forward.  Isaiah 43:18, 19 says, "“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

I think the key word in the above scripture is "dwell".  When God does a new thing, dwelling on the past and the former things will more than likely overshadow the new thing He is doing.  We don't see the sparkle which He so graciously wants to give to us. 

But sometimes, remembering the past - not dwelling or wallowing in - is a reminder of God's grace and mercy.  A reminder of where God has brought you from to where He has you now and where He is guiding you.  Sometimes the lesson learned from those painful times needs to be remembered so we don't have to go back and learn the lesson all over again.

I experienced an awakening during the past 12 months!  I won't share just yet, but know this - God "reminds" me all the time where I was and where I am now.  He reminds me of the place I had complacently put my relationship with Him, my husband, and others around me.  He reminds me how close I had come to falling into a dark abyss.  I never, ever want to forget where I was, because I never, ever want to be in that place again. 

I am learning not to "dwell" on the ugly and the pain.  I dwell on the miracle, the love, and His word.  I have seen the amazing new thing God is doing and I am excited that I am moving forward.  When those memories pop up, I put them in the proper perspective - lesson's learned for His glory - and move forward.

God has given me a hope and a future.  I am so grateful that I was able to wake up and see what He had for me before it was too late.

Just remember that it isn't the memory of the lesson that caused you to trip, it is dwelling on the former things that will cause you to turn around and trip.

Lamentations 3:19-27
I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall.
I remember them, and my soul is downcast within me.
Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope:
Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.
I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”
The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
it is good to wait patiently for the salvation of the Lord. 

Father - I come to you with a full heart.  A full heart of thankfulness and love for You.  You are bringing something new.  Help us to see what you are doing and how magnificent Your love is for each and every one of us.  Our hope is in You.  Thank you for Your grace and Your mercy.  Thank you for taking us through the fire to learn lessons.  Thank you for the challenges and the successes we gain from those challenges.  Help us not to forget those lessons we learned.  We praise your name and give You all the glory.  Amen

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Listen for the lesson

God doesn't need to yell at us to get our attention.  But sometimes, when we aren't listening, He needs to give us a good shaking.  I'm certainly glad I wasn't riding a horse a bit ago.  He knocked Saul of Tarsus off of his horse to get his attention.  (Acts 9)

I was driving to work the other morning and a vehicle quickly was on my bumper.  I moved over to the other lane to let him pass and he moved over into the other lane - all the while riding my bumper.  REALLY?!!!!  I was trying to get out of his way!  My patience was wearing thin.  And then I notice the turn signal and the vehicle moved over into the the exit lane to leave the freeway. 

The proverbial light went in my head!  LESSON LEARNED...sometimes what seems to be rushing up behind you with full force, isn't really all it seems.  Take a breath, listen for the lesson, look for the sparkle and all of a sudden God has your attention. 

This girl is learning to listen to the whisper of God.  I don't want to fall off of any horses.

Dear Lord, thank You for perspective changes that help me to see past the here and now so that I can see Your truth which sets me free. Set me free today from anger, firecracker emotions, short fuses and explosive tempers... so that I can be free to reveal the YOU in me! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Be nice...

When I haven't had enough rest, I can be a grump.  Not an excuse, just a fact.  For the past few days, I've been grumpy.  I wanted to take out my grumpiness on my sweet husband.  Thinking he was the enemy.   But he isn't.  Our fight isn't against flesh and blood...

Ephesians 6:12
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

So, when I am grumpy with my sweetheart, I need to keep in mind - HE ISN'T THE ENEMY.  He is my best friend and deserves my respect.  He is my husband and needs my love.  I heard a couple talking to one another the other day and I felt so sad at the lack of respect they had for one another.  The way they talked with one another, was caustic.  It was almost as though you could see them pushing away from one another.

God has not just changed my heart and my marriage, He made a new heart and new marriage.  My heart for my husband has become new.  Miracle right?  When you have your heart full of God and put Him at the center of your marriage, He will change your heart, your mouth, your love.  But that doesn't mean the enemy won't try again, and again, and again. 

If you feel the enemy starting to do a number on you, it isn't time to become grumpy, disrespectful or take it out on the people around you.  It is time to surrender it all to God.  A few months ago, my "theme" song was I Surrender All.  Even now, I am reminded to sing that song. 

Be nice to people.  Be kind.  Remember God's grace and mercy that He bestowed on you.  Remember how He has loved you unconditionally.  Your vessel is full - now pour out the blessings on those around you.

Dear Heavenly papa - thank you for your grace and mercy.  For reminding me what you have brought me out of and letting you take back the control.  Thank you for the readers of this blog.  Bless them. 

Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Crossed paths

Standing in line at the grocery store to purchase two items, the young man standing in front of me politely and being kind to any old lady offered to let me go ahead of him.  (The old lady part was my interpretation.)  I thanked him and moved forward in the line.  As we stood next to each other this handsome young man started to share with me.  He said the food he bought reminded him of when he was a bachelor.  I noticed several frozen food items and laughingly agreed with him.  He shared that he had just sent his wife and son back home to Louisiana.  He was in the military.  He let me know he was in the Army and on his way to Korea.  He was so young.  Here stood a husband, father and solider.  Here stood a polite, caring human being.  Here stood not a coincidence but a planned crossing of paths.  Everyday since that casual meeting, I have prayed for this young man and his family. 

As I drove away from the grocery store that evening, I realized that someone was praying for this young man.  Someone was praying that God would protect him and hold him close.  I was now praying for him as well.  All of a sudden I realized that strangers had crossed paths with my children and prayed for them.  People saw my lost son while he walked the streets - homeless - and prayed for him.  People crossed paths with my other children and God gave those people a burden for my kids.  Others are praying for my children.  Someday when I step into Heaven and into the presence of God, I will get to meet the people who have prayed for me.  People who I have never formally met.  But people who God spoke to and asked them to pray for me.

I will continue to pray for the young man who I met in the grocery store.  My spiritual eyesight is watching for the next "stranger" God wants me to hold up in prayer.  WATCH and Listen.