Thursday, April 10, 2014

Stepping Into the Jordan River

I'm back!  It is 2:45 a.m.! WHAT!!!!  I've sat here for the past couple of hours doing too much of nothing.  I came across some blogs which I follow and was encouraged by what God is doing in their lives and just as I was about to close the laptop and try to get some rest before I go to work, I felt compelled to share a testimony of God's grace and mercy.

Last fall, I lost my external hard drive for my computer.  It is what I back up my computer on.  Everything was on it.  All my photos, documents, etc.  I was pretty anxious about finding it and looked everywhere!  NOTHING...As silly as it felt, I gave the loss to God.  I even asked some family and a couple of friends at work to pray that I would find it.  After a week or two, I accepted that it may be lost forever, but I was going to leave the loss in HIS hands.  Every now and again, I would get a little crazy and start searching for it but all in all, I left in HIS hands.

For the past seven weeks, I have been attending a Bible study. One In A Million - Journey to the Promised Land by Priscilla Shirer.  It has been life changing.  During the last couple of weeks of the study, our leaders asked us if anyone would be interested in volunteering to lead a summer Bible study or help with our next study in the fall.  If we were interested, we were to fill out a flyer and give it to our table leader.  I took one of the flyers but just wasn't sure if I wanted to do this.  I hesitated and didn't fill out the flyer.  A couple of ladies at our table encouraged me to step out and volunteer.  Hmmmmmmm what should one do when you are "hearing God's voice"?  The next study came along and it was about Joshua crossing the Jordan River. Joshua 3:14-17  When the priests stepped into the tumultuous waters of the Jordan River the water stopped and they walked across on dry land.  Hallelujah!!!!  At the end of the study that night, the flyer was filled out to lead a summer Bible study!  As I handed it to our table leader, I said, "I am stepping into the Jordan River."  A weight was lifted off my shoulders.  I was excited that God would use me.  

The next morning, I was getting ready for work and as I picked up my hair dryer, I noticed that the filter on the end of the dryer was missing.  I couldn't imagine how it had come off, but bent down to look under a shelf for the missing piece.  I could not believe my eyes!  There was my lost external hard drive!  I picked it up and the tears started to flow.  God spoke to my heart that this was a little "gift" for obeying Him by stepping into the Jordan River.  Some might say this was coincidence, some might say I should be better organized, but I know that this was a miracle!  It was a sparkle.  A wonderful gift from my Heavenly Father.  I have had the opportunity to share this story with several and God's blessing just continues to overflow onto all that hear about His goodness.

Just so you know, this wasn't about the external hard drive.  It is all about obedience, grace, mercy and God's love.

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